Free EurObserv’ER Webinar: State of renewable energies in Europe

Key Result presentation on the 19th EurObserv’ER Annual Report

23 April 202011.00 - 12.00 CETOnlineclosed

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EurObserv’ER invites you to join our free live webinar, featuring the main results of the recently released annual report “The State of renewable energies in Europe” (19th edition).

In this 1-hour live webinar, you will learn among other results, where the EU-28 is currently standing in terms 2020 target attainment, which countries and renewable energy sectors create the most jobs and turnover, which RES sectors are most dynamic in terms of investment, RE price and cost developments in the European Union, how much fossil fuel use and import costs were avoided through the use of renewable sources of energy in the European Union. Beyond, information is provided on innovation and competitiveness and on indicators measuring the flexibility of the electricity system of EU member states. 


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Dr. Roman Buss
Project Director
Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG
Tel: +49 (0) 30 526895 883
Email: buss[at]