ETRELA - Improving, Increasing and Facilitating Access to Renewable Energy Education and Training in Latin-America

2019 – 2021 I 2023 – 2027

What is ETRELA about?

ETRELA stands for “Improving, increasing and facilitating access to renewable energy (RE) education and training (E&T) in Latin-America (LA). The project contributes to a sustainable increase of skilled professionals working within the whole value chain of renewable energy technologies and in the area of energy efficiency in Latin America and the Caribbean: 

  • in Argentina, Peru, and Uruguay (ETRELA I: 2019 - 2022)
  • and Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, and Honduras (ETRELA II: 2023 - 2027)


  • Improve education and training in renewable energy and energy efficiency in Latin America.
  • Increase education and training in renewable energy and energy efficiency in Latin America.
  • Facilitate access to renewable energy and energy efficiency education in Latin America.

Target Groups

  • Educational institutions


ETRELA is a project of IKI, International Climate Initiative, funded by the German government, and is carried out under the leadership of OLADE, the Latin American Energy Organization, with its implementing partners Renewables Academy (RENAC) AG, and FACTOR, and the implementing partners of the Latin American universities:

  • Argentina: Universidad de Buenos Aires y el Centro de Estudios de la Actividad Regulatoria Energética (CEARE) 
  • Brazil: Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP) 
  • Brazil: Instituto Federal da Paraíba (IFPB. João Pessoa)
  • Colombia: Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP)
  • Dominican Republic: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC)
  • Honduras: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras
  • Peru: La Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería
  • Uruguay: La Universidad Tecnológica del Uruguay


  • Curricula development and training concepts for wind energy, solar thermal, photovoltaics, energy efficiency and cross cutting technologies
  • Support partner universities in in BRA, COL, DOM, HON, PER, ARG and UGY in the procurement and implementation of practical training centres for renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • Conduct online trainings as preparation to Train-the-Trainer programs
  • Execute Train-the-Trainer programs in all ETRELA countries


Silke Jenssen
Project Director
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 36
Email: etrela[at]

Rafael Juan Marti
Project Director
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 39
Email: etrela[at]

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