Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS)

  • Content
  • Learning objectives
  • Target groups
  • Course details


Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS) provides a comprehensive overview of the financing of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency projects (EE), particularly from the bank’s perspective. This programme prepares participants to lead and implement crucial processes in the green energy financial sector, including term sheet preparation and development as well as using financial models and tools to assess renewable energy projects. It is also available in Spanish. The Green Energy Finance Specialist combines a 21-week online phase with an additional three-day in-person seminar in mid-March/September. Participants can choose to attend the three-day seminar either in-person in Berlin, Germany or virtually from anywhere in the world.

This programme covers: 

  • Fundamentals of renewable energy (RE) and energy efficiency (EE) technologies
  • Political and legal market frameworks
  • Project financing and project evaluation (RE and EE)
  • Financial modelling
  • International climate finance options
  • Renewable energy feasibility assessment and investment valuation

To supplement the learning experience, participants will have access to short introductory courses on energy and electricity topics. These courses are not mandatory and will not be covered in the exam.

After successful completion of the GEFS programme, participants can continue their studies by applying to the distance-learning Master of Science in Business Management with a major in Green Energy and Climate Finance programme. Credits from GEFS (28 ECTS credits total with additional university exercises and exams) can be applied towards the Master of Science (M.Sc.). This unique opportunity is offered by RENAC in cooperation with the Berlin Professional School (BPS). BPS is part of the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR). GEFS provides students with the crucial background and knowledge necessary to successfully pursue the Master of Science degree.

Receive a reminder one week before the registration deadline.


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After completing this programme, participants should be able to:

  • evaluate relevant RE and EE technologies and projects;
  • use financial models and develop term sheets for RE and EE projects;
  • develop and evaluate portfolios of RE and EE projects;
  • summarise the global and regional market development for renewable energy and energy efficiency investments;
  • appraise an energy efficiency project in detail, including under the use of the ESCO model, and;
  • identify options for international climate finance and how to access such funds.

Upon successful completion of the training, participants will receive a RENAC Certificate.

The entry requirements for the Green Energy Finance Specialist are as follows:

  • An academic degree, at least a bachelor’s degree, in the area of business/economics, finance, industrial engineering or alike;
  • At least 1 year of professional experience in the area of finance and/or green energy; and
  • High motivation to specialize in the field of green energy and climate finance.


The GEFS Programme welcomes experienced practitioners with the following professional backgrounds:

  • Banking (e.g. project finance, clean energy, asset management, investment banking, credit analysts)
  • Institutional investing (e.g. private equity, clean energy fund management, life insurance)
  • Private investing (e.g. wealth management, family offices)
  • Project development and project sponsoring firms
  • Green technology suppliers (manufacturing, wholesale, etc.)
  • Consulting (law firms, transaction and tax advisory firms)


Duration: 21-week online training phase, combined with a three-day seminar

Study time: About 280 self-study hours and 25 hours in-class

Dates:  Semesters are scheduled to begin on October 1 and April 1. Final seminars of each semester are scheduled for the first or second week of March and the first or second week of September.

Detailed course description is available for download.

E-learning platform: Access the demo course on our e-learning platform.

Technical Requirements:

  • Access to a computer with reliable internet connection and a speed of at least 2 Mbit/s.
  • An e-mail account that is frequently checked.
  • A headset or speakers to listen to presentations.
  • For webinars, the Zoom application should be installed.
  • Please note: to complete an assessment in Module 5, there is an additional technical requirement. You will need to use the Excel tool, RE Project Evaluator, to make calculations.

*incl 19 % of German VAT

Additional Information

Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS)
Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS)
Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS)
Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS)
Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS)


  • Flexibility to study at any time and from any location
  • RENAC content expert and learning platform technical support
  • Moderated discussion forum for students
  • Live lectures
  • Multimedia learning materials
  • Self-assessments, assignments and final exam
  • Certified with 6 ECTS credits (more info)
  • Integration of GEFS within the Master of Science in Business Management with a major in Green Energy and Climate Finance (recognition of further ECTS credits with additional university assignments)
  • Certified by the Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation FIBAA
  • RENAC certificate upon successful completion of the training
  • We offer discounts for our alumni, group bookings, and multiple purchases. Contact us for further details.



Katharina Hartmann
Project Director Green Energy and Climate Finance
Tel: +49 (0)30 58 70870 24
Email: hartmann[at]

Available dates & times

Next Date Type of training Language Registration deadline Price € VAT Info Early bird € Valid until  
01.10.24 - 31.03.25 Blended learning EN 23.10.2024 3.808,00*
01.04.25 - 30.09.25 Blended learning EN 04.04.2025 3.808,00*
01.10.25 - 31.03.26 Blended learning EN 04.10.2025 3.808,00*

* including 19 % of German VAT


Alexander Boensch, RENAC

Current position:

Since 2016, Alexander Boensch has been a project director in RENAC’s Green Banking team. Before joining the team, Alexander worked with RENAC as an external consultant providing seminars, course design concepts, and e-learning content for 8 years.

Professional experience:

Alexander is an experienced financial economist working in the banking and finance industry with a sector focus on energy since 2003. As a financial consultant for renewable energy project developers, financial investors, and public utilities, he was responsible for structured and corporate finance, risk and treasury management, capital procurement, bank marketing, and M&A activities. Alexander has been involved in renewable energy projects with an installed capacity of more than 1 GW and successfully raised capital of more than EUR 2 billion. In addition to his work in renewable energy finance consulting and training, he is a lecturer for academic courses on corporate finance, capital markets, and renewable energy economics at various academic institutions.


Alexander Boensch has a master’s degree (M.A.) in International Economics and an undergraduate degree in Business Administration, Finance and Strategic Management.

Björn Dransfeld, The Greenwerk

Current Position:

Founding Partner of the greenwerk, a German based advisory firm on international climate policy and finance

Professional experience:

Björn Dransfeld is an expert on United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) climate policy with a focus on mitigation and finance, and with more than fifteen years of experience in development cooperation. For over a decade he has been leading consultancy projects for donors and international organizations in the area of climate policy and finance, and is supporting stakeholders in developing countries in understanding and accessing international climate finance instruments. As advisor, he reflects insights on various climate finance related aspects such as the Green Climate Fund (GCF) and the UNFCCC negotiations on finance to political decision makers and country focal points. As technical expert, he puts his knowledge to work by developing concept notes and funding proposals for inter alia the GCF or the Global Environment Facility (GEF). As researcher, he is assessing local investment conditions and barriers, the global climate finance architecture as well as latest developments of multilateral climate policy, such as the state of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) implementation in various countries. He regularly publishes on the state and needs of climate finance in the global south in articles, policy briefs and reports. Björn believes that knowledge transfer is key for a global green revolution, and thus is eagerly contributing to an international dialogue on climate policy and finance. To foster stakeholder engagement, he frequently serves as trainer and speaker on climate finance in trainings and workshops in developing countries, as well as in virtual classrooms and webinars. Since 2017, Björn is supporting RENAC with their GEFS trainings. From 2007 to 2014, Björn worked for the Perspectives GmbH, a climate policy think-tank in Hamburg, Germany, with a focus on climate policy and carbon pricing. Hereby, he gained special expertise on economic instruments under the UNFCCC regime and dealt with enhancing co-benefits of Post-2020 mitigation instruments. In 2006, Björn worked for Suzlon Energy, an Indian CDM project developer in Delhi / India.  Björn is board member of the NGO ClimateNet e.V., is heading its UNFCCC delegation and enjoys organising its workshops at UNFCCC meetings.


Björn holds a Master in Political Science and Economics at the University of Hamburg, where he focused on environmental, climate and energy policy as well as public services.

Sebastian Eberhardt, RENAC

Current Position:

Since 2022, Sebastian Eberhardt has been an external consultant in RENAC's Green Banking team after successfully completing the GEFS program in 2021. He provides online and face-to-face seminars, as well as support for the revision of e-learning content.

Professional Experience:

After completing his degree in industrial engineering at TU Dresden, Sebastian embarked on his career in the renewable energy sector. His first job led him to a consulting firm in Berlin, where he gained substantial experience as an analyst in M&A advisory, specializing in financial modeling, structured finance, and transaction management (both buy-side and sell-side). Since 2018, Sebastian has been working as a Team Lead in Structured Finance for a major renewable energy project developer located near Berlin. In this role, he oversees project financing and commercial project management, which has allowed him to build an extensive network of relationships with banks and investors.


Sebastian Eberhardt holds a master's degree (M. Sc.) in Industrial Engineering and Management with majors in Energy Technology, Environmental Management, and Energy Economics. He also possesses an undergraduate degree (B. Sc.) in Business Administration and Engineering with a specialization in Production and Organization.

Swapnika Goud, Hochschule für Wirtschaft und Recht Berlin

Current position:

Since 2022, Swapnika has been a dedicated member of RENAC's Green Energy and Climate Finance team, serving as a tutor and an expert in Finance. In March 2023, she is associated with HWR, Berlin as a Lecturer for project financial modelling based on the best practise – the FAST Standard.

Professional experience:

In her diverse banking and finance career primarily based in India, Swapnika handled credit appraisal for corporates, including credit rating and collateral evaluation. She also assessed borrowing companies' creditworthiness and crafted concise credit evaluation summaries. Additionally, she excelled in international finance, analysing borrowing countries and international banks. Swapnika ensured compliance with export contracts and promoted business development by educating Indian exporters about her bank's advantages. She effectively represented corporations, prepared business plans, and facilitated debt syndication, showcasing her ability to deliver results in the industry.


Swapnika holds a Master's in Business Administration (MBA) with a focus on Finance and Information Systems. Additionally, she holds an undergraduate degree in accounting.


"I participated in the GEFS program to expand my knowledge of Green Energy Finance, specifically renewable energy financing. Overall, the GEFS program has allowed me to gain a better appreciation of renewable energy financing, from the technology and process to operations, contracting, financing, and eventual decommissioning. I believe the GEFS program is highly comprehensive and has a broad industry scope that applies to renewable energy practitioners worldwide."
Paulo Esmaquel, Green Energy Finance Specialist, 2023

"Having recently developed a keen interest in Renewables and Green Energy, along with a plan to begin investing in the sector, I discovered that the RENAC GEFS course outline adequately covered my areas of interest. The material was presented in an organized and cohesive manner, and my favorite module was the one on RE project financing.
The learning experience has had an immediate impact on my daily professional activities. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in this sector."
Eshiet Solomon, Commodity Trade Finance, Methana Energy, Green Energy Finance Specialist, 2023

"RENAC's Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS) programme has proven to be an excellent study and networking platform for those looking to get into the renewable energy industry or to further their knowledge."
Wandile Ngema, Green Energy Finance Specialist, 2022

"Very well-tailored content and case studies. A must for anyone in engineering and the finance sector who wants to be involved with green energy finance. The Green Energy Finance Specialist (GEFS) programme is not limited to one region or continent, but the knowledge can be applied worldwide in different green energy disciplines."
Erlet Shaqe, Green Energy Finance Specialist, 2022

"The content was more than I expected and the RENAC team is incredibly supportive. I will definitely come back again to RENAC academy for other professional training."
Mohammed Sallam, Green Energy Finance Specialist, 2021

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